Here are some of the best DASH Diet Phase 2 antioxidant rich foods, start using these in your daily diet and this will boost your energy levels and put you on the right path to a happier and healthy lifestyle.
Turmeric and Mango Smoothie
I hadn't heard of Amla before but it has so many heath benefits and the one I was most interest in was lowering you cholesterol and triglycerides.
The Amla Gooseberry
is very rich in vitamin C and contains many minerals and
vitamins like calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, and vitamin
B complex. It is also a powerful antioxidant agent. Vitamin C is a good
antioxidant agent, which makes gooseberries a powerful tool against a variety
of conditions, including various types of cancer.
Get your Amla Here Get Your Organic Amla Berry Powder HERE